Affiliate Marketing Disclosure
When you perform some actions such as making a purchase or carrying out some other action as a result of clicking a link on, we will receive a small commission. For example, clicking on an Amazon link on an actor's biography page and making a purchase during that visit to, we will receive a commission. The commission rate may vary depending on the item and/or the retailer, but it is usually a small percentage of the price for the item that you purchased. This does not change the price you pay for the item in any way. (You would pay the same if you went directly to the site to buy the item, but we would get no commission.)
AdvertisingWe display banner ads on at the top, side, and bottom of most pages on In most cases, these ads are served by Google AdSense. We make some money from the display of these ads, but it is literally fractions of a cent every time an ad is displayed. We do not share any personally identifiable information with advertisers. Ads which appear are either targeted based on the type of site they're appearing on (in this case, a nerd convention listing site) or based on Google's own tracking of you. Here is an article with information on how to opt out of personalized ads from Google.
EthicsFrom time to time, we may publish articles which reference products available from one of our affiliate partners. The links in these articles are also affiliate links.
Occasionally conventions offer us press passes to their conventions which we may choose to review. In these cases, we have never and will never accept payment, products, or any other compensation in return for a positive review. We never post sponsored advertorials.
Affiliate and Advertising PartnersAs of January 2025, we have active affiliate relationships with the following businesses:
We have active banner advertising from the following companies:
- Google AdSense
It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to run a web site like It's thanks to affiliate links and our meager banner advertising that we're able to pay the server bills and keep the site free for everyone to use. We don't make enough money from the site for someone to live on, not even close, but it can at least cover its own costs in a good month.
The money we make from affiliate links and banner advertising costs you nothing but it keeps us online. Thank you for your continuing support!
More InformationIf you would like to know more about affiliate marketing, please refer to the article at Wikipedia.