ConStellation 2018
April 20-22, 2018
Lincoln Marriott Cornhusker Hotel
Lincoln, NE
Science Fiction Convention with Fantasy programming
Join us for ConStellation 9 on April 20-22, 2018!
With the rescheduling of the Husker Spring Game by UNL Athletics to the Saturday of our convention weekend, we realize parking may be an issue. We are investigating additional options for our attendees. Please check back for updates.
Lincoln's own science fiction, fantasy, and fan convention returns to downtown Lincoln for its ninth annual event. ConStellation brings together people from all walks of life, from all over the country, for one weekend of spectacular fun every year. Our focus is on community, family, the arts, and the friendships that can be built in an instant - even between Klingons and Stormtroopers.
ConStellation is a not-for-profit organization created by and for fans, and features activities such as panels and demonstrations, question-and- answer sessions, gaming of all kinds, an art show and "art jam," charity auction, costume contest, performances, and vendors.
Our theme for 2018, "CON 9 FROM OUTER SPACE" is a tribute to the early films of sci-fi and the title is a riff on the infamous B-movie "Plan 9 from Outer Space" by Ed Wood.
ConStellation 2018 Reports and Photos
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Previous/Future Events
ConStellation 2018 — April 20-22, 2018
ConStellation 2017 — April 28-30, 2017