Tails and Tornadoes Fur Con 2020
September 4-6, 2020 Cancelled
Marriott Tulsa Hotel Southern Hills
Tulsa, OK
Furry Convention
As many of you may know, we are living in some very unprecedented times. The safety of our staff, friends, vendors, and attendees are always our number one priority. After all, without you our event would not have even been possible!
Following the news as of-late, the COVID-19 pandemic has been detrimental to the industry that supports conventions due to the new restrictions on gathering sizes, and increased requirements designed to keep everyone safe.
Therefore, it is with a heavy heart to announce that Tails and Tornadoes Fur Con 2020 will not take place this year. Instead, we will focus our efforts on 2021, which will not only give us more time to prepare safety measures for you but will also give us a chance to improve the overall experience of Tulsa's first furry convention. We are planning to hold our next event during Labor Day weekend of 2021 (September 3-5), so we hope you will be able to join us for some fun!
Previous/Future Events
Tails and Tornadoes Fur Con 2023 — September 1-3, 2023
Tails and Tornadoes Fur Con 2022 — September 2-4, 2022
Tails and Tornadoes Fur Con 2021 — September 3-5, 2021