Erie Anime Experience 2013
September 21-23, 2013 Cancelled
The Avalon Hotel & Conference Center
Erie, PA
Anime Convention
Hello Anime Fans,
After careful review, Erie Anime Experience has not seen enough support in terms of pre-registration, commitment on our website, or staffing help in order to make a quality convention for 2013. Consequently, it is with a heavy heart that EAE has chosen to cancel the convention at this time. Due to the postings on the forum, back-and-forth, the staff of EAE does not believe they will be able to cover the costs for the convention. EAE's Board of Directors cannot put their families' financial futures at risk by paying for the uncovered expenses for the event.
Due to the overwhelmingly negative response towards our previous event as well as minimal support for this event, we cannot foresee any anime convention being given a chance here in the future. When people misrepresent our group, attack us on every public forum, and sabotage of our limited advertising, it is obvious that some do not want a local convention to occur.
We loved the idea of an anime convention here in Erie. The fans of anime made the convention what it was. The friends we have made have been a reward in and of itself. We hope you enjoyed the four dances that we did put on to raise money. We hope if you feel differently and think that a convention in Erie should take place, feel free to contact us, give support, and put in your efforts as staff to make a convention happen in Erie. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused to our Special Guests, Vendors, Artists, the Avalon, our Panelists, and our Attendees. Refunds are being processed where applicable.
If you wish to continue to support local anime events and groups, please check out Anime Club of Erie. It can be found here: www.anime-erie.com
Sincerely and Farewell,
Erie Anime Experience Board of Directors
Registration Information
$45: All 3 Days
Erie Anime Experience 2013 Guests
- James Carter Cathcart - Voice Actor
- Mary Elizabeth McGlynn - Actor / Writer / Director
- The WaddleDees - Band
Previous/Future Events
Erie Anime Experience 2011 — September 23-25, 2011
Erie Anime Experience 2010 — September 10-12, 2010
Erie Anime Experience 2009 — September 25-27, 2009
Erie Anime Experience 2007 — September 29, 2007