RhodyCon Summer Matsuri 2015
August 2, 2015
Dovetail Auction Gallery
Cranston, RI
Anime Convention with Sci-Fi and Video Gaming programming
RhodyCon is a fan-run celebration of all things geeky. Anime, video games, sci-fi and related genres are our main points of interest. We will also delve into other aspects of Japanese culture, pop culture and classic gaming. Cosplayers, lolitas and steampunks are all welcome here.
A hair-brained concept conceived by friends and co-workers, Nick and Justin back in 2007, "Rhode Con" remained nothing more than some ideas scribbled on a piece of paper for several years. It's sponsor list included Geneon, Circuit City, Comp USA and Borders book store. Wow. At least we weren't considering Eastern Airlines, Rocky Point and Almacs.
Let's face it, putting a convention together takes a lot of time, planning and money and those are three things we didn't have. Truth be told we still don't have much time and money but now we have a building. While "Rhode Con" has been officially re-named "RhodyCon", a full scale convention is still something to be planned for the future. We will be holding our first official gathering, a Summer Matsuri (Japanese festival) on August 2, 2015. Dovetail Auction Gallery in Cranston, RI is the designated location for the event.
Simply put, this first step will be a mini convention featuring cosplay, screenings, AMVs, video game tournaments, pinball tournament, dealer & artist area and Japanese food & snacks. The next step to a full sized convention with special guests, panels, masquerade, AMV contest, etc. will take more time as we build a following, gather ideas and recruit volunteers. We think Rhode Island is craving and deserving it's own annual anime convention, don't you?
The Summer Matsuri will be open to people of all ages. We hope everyone will have a fun day celebrating our fandom!
RhodyCon Summer Matsuri 2015 Reports and Photos
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