Flameing Daeth Fearies

North Little Rock, AR

Flameing Daeth Fearies have no apologies for their unorthodox brand of music and stage show. FDF unabashedly bears their 13 year old internet nerd soul to audiences, while embracing all the great things that have been lost since the grunge era.
The sound is a genre-spanning orgy, lyrics are chock full of double entendres with quick-witted references to pop culture and inside jokes, all tucked neatly in a Party All Night rocking beat.
The Fearies believe in good ol' rock and roll decadence by bringing their stage show, complete with bubbles and lights, over the top personas, and the lovely ladies of The Feary Doom Squad to create a sensory overload... Welcome to The Gaudiest Show on Earth!
Anime Convention Guest Appearances
- AnimeCon Arkansas 2016 - April 8-10, 2016 in Little Rock, AR
- AnimeCon Arkansas 2015 - March 7-8, 2015 in Little Rock, AR
- AnimeCon Arkansas 2014 - June 7-8, 2014 in Little Rock, AR
- Alcon 2013 - September 5-8, 2013 in Leicester, UK