Kyle "Oancitizen" Kallgreen

Video Producer
Washington, DC

Kyle Kallgren spends far too much time seeking out the oddest corners of the world of film festivals, trust fund projects and auteur mayhem that we call "The Arthouse." His primary series Brows Held High is an overview of arthouse films ranging from the weird (Naked Lunch) to the wild (The Doom Generation) the new (Melancholia) the old (Häxan) the infamous (A Serbian Film) and the just plain silly (Zardoz). Sometimes he sits in revered awe. Sometimes he bursts out into song. Other times, he threatens the director with genocide. He currently lives in Washington D.C. where he is finishing a master's degree in film and video. He has no dogs.
Anime Convention Guest Appearances
- ConBravo! 2013 - July 26-28, 2013 in Hamilton, ON, Canada