Chris Wisnia

Comic Artist

Chris Wisnia has been self-publishing comics since 2004, beginning with his anthology of tabloid tales, "Tabloia Weekly Magazine." He was co-artist on Sam Kieth's "Ojo" for Oni Press. His Dr. DeBunko series gained him notice by the Skeptic Society, and its publisher and best-selling author, Michael Shermer, said it's the coolest thing for skepticism since Lisa Simpson read Jr. Skeptic Magazine when Homer had his abduction experiences. His 176-page hardcover, "Monstrosis!" is the second in his "Doris Danger" series, published by SLG, which features giant monster pin-ups by many of the greatest artists in the industry. In addition to his time at the drawing board, he's currently filming a documentary on the struggles of trying to make it in the comics industry, which features interviews with seventy or so of his "best friends," or top creators in comics. His website is
Anime Convention Guest Appearances
- StocktonCon 2015 - August 8-9, 2015 in Stockton, CA 2013
- Kraken Con 2013 - October 5, 2013 in South San Francisco, CA
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