Jim Starlin Information

Jim Starlin

Writer / Artist

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Jim Starlin Born James P Starlin, October 9th, 1949, in Detroit Michigan. Educated in a Parochial (Catholic) grade school and public high school. Served in the U.S. Navy, 1968-71, as a photographers mate. Started at Marvel Comics in 1972, and have been working on and off with comics ever since. Works include Amazing Spiderman, Batman, 'Breed, Captain Marvel, Cosmic Odyssey, Daredevil/Black Widow: Abatoir, Doctor Strange, Dreadstar, Gilgamesh II, Hardcore Station, Infinity Abyss, Infinity Crusade, Infinity Gauntlet/War, Ironman, Master of Kung Fu, Silver Surfer, Thanos Quest, The End of the Marvel Universe, Warlock and the Infinity Watch, Warlock and Wyrd: The Reluctant Warrior. Also co-wrote four novels with Diana Graziunas: Among Madmen, Lady El, Pawns (serialized in Dreadstar) and Thinning the Predators. Co-founder of Electric Prism, a software design, new media company in Woodstock, NY.

Anime Convention Guest Appearances

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