Gus Mauk Information

Gus Mauk

Comic Artist
Claysburg, PA

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Justin "Gus" Mauk is a professional portrait artist from a small town in Central Pennsylvania. He started Eternal Image as a business name to showcase his sketches at some local craft events, and it took off from there. At first, portrait commissions were seasonal and only came up around Mother's Day and Christmas - but now it is a yearlong endeavor with people ordering commissions as early as April for Christmas presents. There are also a great many art pieces that he does yearly as memorial pieces. He specializes in charcoal, a medium that is not easy to master. He has done several published works, such as variant covers for comic books, several novel covers, card sets for Star Wars, The Walking Dead, Spiderman, and X-Men, and even movie posters. Self-taught in the traditional style using basic art tools, Gus is available to do his illustrative style commissions in full color markers and airbrush. He has several art styles and is willing to work with all clients to get them the art they need.

Anime Convention Guest Appearances

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