Jason Douglas
Northville, MI

Jason Douglas is a Northville based, Plymouth raised Michigan author of comics, stage plays, and prose. He has been a public school teacher for the last 24 years, which means that while his entry into the world of published comics is relatively new, fresh, and exciting, he is no spring chicken. You should not chase him at book signings, conventions, or even on the street, as his knees no longer work the way they once did.
PARALLEL, Jason's very first published comic, sold out of its initial SPP print run and garnered not one, but TWO Ringo Award Nominations for Best Writer and Best Single Issue or Story. The story is a dark twisted sci-fi tale in the vein of the most mind bending episodes of Dark Mirror and The Twilight Zone, and is now available in an expanded Special Edition.
Jason's newest book JANE AMERICAN was just successfully funded on Kickstarter and printed in partnership with Grecko/Comix Well Spring. It is set in historic Plymouth Michigan and is inspired by and dedicated to the life of his late grandparents (long time pillars in the community). Jane American is 32 pg. one-shot full-color comic book introducing us to Jane's world and exploring the themes of identity, gender, self-worth, and small-town societal norms in post-WWII America. With hints of beloved stories like Superman For All Seasons and Archie: 1941, Jane American will break your heart, make you cheer, and shock you with a cliffhanger ending that will have you begging for more!
Anime Convention Guest Appearances
View Jason Douglas on FanCons.com for 7 additional guest appearances