
Tone Ellis

Tone Ellis

Member Since: December 11, 2016

About Me



Tone Ellis's Next Conventions

Tone Ellis has no future conventions listed.

Tone Ellis's Most Recent Conventions

Comic-Con International: San Diego - San Diego, CA
July 20-23, 2017
E3 - Los Angeles, CA
June 13-15, 2017
Puerto Rico Comic Con - San Juan, Puerto Rico
May 26-28, 2017
Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo - Chicago, IL
April 21-23, 2017
WonderCon - Anaheim, CA
March 31 - April 2, 2017
Designer Toy Summit - Memphis, TN
March 18, 2017

Tone Ellis's Recent Forum Posts
No posts by Tone Ellis

Tone Ellis's Achievement Pins

Attendee: Attended your first convention Excelsior: Attended a comic convention Kid at Heart: Attended a toy convention Button Masher: Attended a video game convention Bi-Coastal: Attended cons on both the East Coast and West Coast