Press Releases

January 18, 2005

News for Onna! 2005:

Shoujo Arts Society and Yurikon announce Onna! convention

Shoujo Arts Society and Yurikon LLC have announced their brand-new, all-encompassing convention highlighting all manga and anime by, for, and about women: Onna!

Onna! will take the ideas behind Shoujocon and Yuricon, two separate conventions focusing on women in anime and manga, and promote them in a single setting. Onna! will showcase anime and manga of all types: shoujo, Boys' Love, shoujoai, josei, shounen, and yuri, from the sweetest of fluff to the darkest of melodrama and everything in between. Onna! will also offer a Western track of programming, featuring women's comics and animation from the US and Canada, as well as women who work in these and other related fields.

Onna! will be open to all ages, and both men and women who are interested in anime, manga, or comics with a positive female perspective.

For Shoujo Arts Society and Yurikon LLC, the partnership reflects their shared interest in women's roles in animation and manga, as well as a means for both organizations to continue to bring fans of women's manga and anime a convention based on the East Coast.

Onna! happens Columbus Day weekend, October 8 to 10, 2005, at the Hilton Gateway in Newark, NJ.

To register, volunteer , or get more information about Onna!, visit
For more information about Yuricon, visit
For more information about Shoujo Arts Society, visit