Press Releases

February 6, 2009

News for Mizu Con 2009:

MizuCon announces dates for 2009

Mizu Con announces 2009 dates in Miami!!

August 21-23, 2009 will see the 2nd annual Mizu Con anime convention at the Hyatt Regency Miami in beautiful Miami, FL where attendees can enjoy the sand, sun and their favorite anime pastime.

In addition to our illustrious guests we will have Costuming Contests, Informative Panels, Video Gaming Rooms, Artist Alleys, Video Rooms showing the latest works from Japan, and late night programming including a dance!!!

Convention pre registration and Hotel registration will soon be open! Please check our website for updates and join our forum community to mingle with fellow Otaku! We hope to see you there.

  • For General Information, please email
  • For information regarding Dealer's Room, please email