Press Releases

May 1, 2009

Make sure you're not "That Guy" in the latest episode of the podcast

Fourth episode of video podcast about anime conventions is released

Newton, MA - has announced that the April/May episode of the podcast has been released. In this episode, Shiva explains the process to get high quality footage for an anime music video, Elizabeth tells you how not to be "That Guy" at a convention, Sketch and Elizabeth answer a viewer-submitted question about what to carry with you at a convention, plus we share news headlines and a list of upcoming conventions.

With the anime music video contest being one of the most popular events at many anime conventions, getting the highest quality footage available is necessary in order to have a good looking video. Shiva, an award winning AMV creator, shares some of her advice for getting the footage you need from anime or video games into your video.

In the first of a running series, Elizabeth shares some common annoyances that sometimes occur during panel discussions at a convention. Sometimes there may be a fellow attendee whose behavior becomes disruptive or annoying to others in attendance. When talking about the panel later, people may refer to "that guy". In this segment, we provide some helpful advice on how not to become "that guy". Other "That Guy" segments will appear in future episodes.

This month's episode also marks a change in the release date from the last day of the month to the first day of the month. "The last day of the month tends to move around a lot, from the 30th to the 31st and sometimes the 28th or 29th," says Patrick Delahanty, Executive Producer of the podcast. "By simply pushing the release date out one more day, we thought it would be easier for people to keep track of when our new episodes are available."

The June 2009 episode will feature a convention report from Anime Boston 2009 as well as Q&A from convention attendees. It will be released on June 1, 2009.

The podcast is available for free download in iTunes and via streaming Flash on at

Launched in 2003, is the leading source for information about anime conventions. The web site provides convention schedules, guest information, news and articles about anime conventions, discussion forums, and a monthly video podcast featuring convention reports and anime convention information. The site's extensive database currently contains over 1,800 conventions and over 2,600 individual guests. is part of the network of sites.