Nauticon 2012
May 18-20, 2012
Provincetown Inn
Provincetown, MA
Anime Convention with Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Adult programming
Nauticon is a re-imagining of the con experience, a "boiling down" if you will, of what makes cons fun to those over the age of 21. So to that end, you may not see some of the things traditionally associated with conventions. It really is going to be Not A Con as you know it. We are going for some real creative, outside the box thinking on this one.
The Artist Colony will be a place where you won't see anything you could find at a store in your area, we're going for creators and craftsmen. The Events and Entertainments will be of a nature where the first words out of a presenter's mouth won't be, "Are there any children in the audience?" 'Cause there won't be. This is about getting your geek on and your freak on and not being told, "Can't do that here."
Registration Information
$65: All 3 Days
Nauticon 2012 Guests
- Glenn Dubois - Co-Founder - Nerdfit Network
- Bettina M. Kurkoski - Artist / Author - Dreamworld Studio
- Ginger Anne London - Cosplayer
- Jamie McGonnigal - Actor
- Jan Scott-Frazier - Director / Translator
- The Wandering Legion - Steampunk Cosplay Group
- Tom Wayland - ADR Director
Nauticon 2012 Reports and Photos
- No reports found.
Previous/Future Events
Nauticon 2017 — May 19-21, 2017
Nauticon 2016 — May 20-22, 2016
Nauticon 2015 — May 15-17, 2015
Nauticon 2014 — May 2-4, 2014
Nauticon 2013 — September 13-15, 2013
Nauticon 2012 — May 18-20, 2012