"J" Anime Convention Guests
Guests who have made guest appearances at anime conventions:
- J Chris Campbell - Illustrator, Wide Awake Press
- J Dee DuPuy - Artist, WirePop
- J. Grant - Web Comic Creator, Two Lumps
- J. Mace - Web Comic Creator, Urban Shogun
- J. Torres - Writer, DC Comics, Oni Press, Studio Ice, Tokyopop
- J. David Osborne - Author
- J. David Spurlock - Comics Historian / Publisher
- J. Michael Straczynski - Writer
- J. Michael Tatum - Actor / ADR Director
- J. Scott Campbell - Comic Artist
- J. Shanon Weaver - Actor
- J.D. Stone - Voice Actor
- J.G. Hertzler - Actor
- J.G. Jones - Comic Artist
- J.L. Briere - Comic Artist / Writer
- J.L. Westover - Web Comic Creator, Mr. Lovenstein
- J.M. Frey - Author
- J.S. Gilbert - Voice Actor
- Jace Hayes - Disc Jockey
- Jace Moore - Cosplayer
- Jack Briglio - Writer
- Jack DeSena - Actor
- Jack McDevitt - Author
- Jack O'Halloran - Actor / Boxer
- Jack Povlitz - Artist, Shoujo-Jojo.com
- Jack Quaid - Actor
- Jack Stansbury - Actor
- Jack Dylan Grazer - Actor
- Jackey Neyman Jones - Actor
- Jacki Jing - Broadcast Host
- Jackie Droujko - Character Designer / Filmmaker
- Jackie Lastra - Actor
- Jackie Santiago - Comic Artist
- Jackie "Kanashimi" Florian - Founder, 91.8 The Fan
- Jackson Lanzing - Comic Writer
- Jackson Rathbone - Actor / Musician / Singer
- Jacob Bertrand - Actor
- Jacob Browning - Voice Actor
- Jacob Chapman - Writer / Editor
- Jacob Grady - Web Designer
- Jacob Newell - Artist, Studio Akumakaze
- Jacob Romero - Actor
- Jacqueline Goehner - Cosplayer
- Jacqui "Pepperjaq" Shook - Cosplayer
- Jad Saxton - Actor
- Jade Dennis - Actor
- Jade Gatt - Host / Actor
- Jade Woodruff - Writer / Illustrater, Bento Studios
- Jae Lee - Comic Artist
- Jahnoy Lindsay - Illustrator / Writer
- Jaime Coker - Artist
- Jaime Pressly - Actor
- Jake Myler - Artist
- Jake Paque - Voice Actor
- Jake "The Snake" Roberts - Wrestler
- Jakie Cabe - Voice Actor
- Jamal Ard - Writer / Illustrator, Studio Akumakaze
- Jamal Joseph, Jr. - Web Comic Writer, Chugworth
- James Burns - Graphic Designer / Artist
- James Callis - Actor
- James Cheek - Actor
- James Cunningham - Cosplayer / Singer / Actor
- James Davis - Cosplayer, RyRo Studios
- James Dawsey - Artist
- James Doohan - Actor
- James Ernest - Game Designer, Cheapass Games
- James Groman - Toy Designer
- James Gunn - Writer / Director
- James Hanrahan - Writer
- James Harknell - Web Developer, Onezumi Studios, LLC
- James Harper - Actor
- James Hatton - Web Comic Creator, In His Likeness
- James Herd - YouTuber
- James Howe - Author
- James Kehring - Cosplayer
- James Landino - Composer / DJ
- James Larabee - Actor
- James Lloyd - Comic Artist
- James Luceno - Author, Robotech novels
- James Maliszewski - Anime Game Creator
- James Marsters - Actor
- James McAvoy - Actor
- James Murray - Actor / Comedian
- James O'Barr - Writer / Artist
- James Pascoe - Illustrator
- James Peay - Illustrator / Graphic Designer
- James Perry II - Writer / Artist
- James Phelps - Actor
- James Portnow - Writer / Author, Extra Credits
- James Powell - Comic Writer
- James Raiz - Comic Artist
- James Remar - Actor
- James Rolfe - Video Game Nerd
- James Ronald - Musician
- James Ruiz - Comic Artist, Dreamwave Productions
- James Sie - Actor
- James Silva - Game Developer
- James Stokoe - Comic Artist
- James Tolkan - Actor
- James Tynion IV - Comic Creator
- James Urbaniak - Actor
- James "Brad Mick" McDonough - Comic Writer
- James "Doodle" Lyle - Artist
- James Arnold Taylor - Actor
- James C. Burns - Voice Actor
- James C. Mulligan - Comic Artist
- James Carter Cathcart - Voice Actor
- James J. Butcher - Author
- James Kyson Lee - Actor
- James L. Barry - Manga Artist
- James R. Powell - Artist / Author
- Jamie Baldwin - Artist / Writer, Sudden Valley
- Jamie Bamber - Actor
- Jamie Farr - Actor
- Jamie Hyneman - Mythbuster / SFX Artist, M5 Industries
- Jamie Kennedy - Actor / Comedian
- Jamie Marchi - Actor
- Jamie McGonnigal - Actor
- Jamie Mortellaro - Actor
- Jamie Noguchi - Web Comic Creator, Angry Zen Master
- Jamie Sturges - Co-Founder, 2wcOnline
- Jamie Tyndall - Comic Artist
- Jamie Campbell Bower - Actor
- Jamieson Price - Actor
- Jan Scott-Frazier - Director / Translator
- Jana G. Oliver - Author
- Jane Espenson - Writer / Producer
- Jane Fancher - Artist / Author
- Jane Kaczmarek - Actor
- Jane Sin - Cosplayer
- Janet Fielding - Actor
- Janet Hetherington - Comic Artist / Writer
- Janet Varney - Actor
- Janice Williams - DVD Producer, ADV Films
- Janyn Mercado - Cosplayer
- Janyse Jaud - Actor
- Jared Cullum - Comic Artist
- Jared Hedges - Writer / Producer
- Jared Hodges - Artist
- Jared Padalecki - Actor
- Jared Tisher - Yo-Yo Enthusiast
- Jared A. Sorensen - Game Publisher
- Jarret Hartnell - Illustrator
- Jarrett Melendez - Comic Writer
- Jarrett Williams - Web Comic Creator, Lunar Boy Land
- Jarrod Greene - Actor / Digital Video Engineer
- Jasmine "Shiratori Hime" Walker - Cosplayer
- Jason Aaron - Comic Writer
- Jason Alnas - Marketing Manager, Geneon Entertainment
- Jason Amerkanian - Game Designer, Dilly Green Bean Games
- Jason Badower - Comic Artist / Writer
- Jason Balduf - Manga Industry / Crossplayer / Artist, Crossplay.net
- Jason Bond - Author
- Jason Bullock - Web Comic Creator, GIRAFNetwork
- Jason Bulmahn - Game Creator
- Jason Canty - CEO, Angry Viking Press
- Jason Cardy - Colorist
- Jason Carter - Actor
- Jason Casey - Artist, Hatter and Hare Studios
- Jason Craig - Comic Artist
- Jason Cumberledge - Web Comic Artist, 2wcOnline
- Jason Deline - Voice Actor
- Jason Douglas - Actor
- Jason Earles - Actor
- Jason Fabok - Comic Artist / Illustrator
- Jason Faunt - Actor
- Jason Gray-Stanford - Voice Actor
- Jason Griffith - Actor
- Jason Hatfield - Voice Actor
- Jason Hayes - Musician, Critical Hit
- Jason Henderson
- Jason Hoffs - Head of Production, VIZ Productions
- Jason Howard - Comic Artist
- Jason Isaacs - Actor
- Jason Kaplan - Video Game Designer
- Jason Keith - Colorist
- Jason Lapidus - Comic Artist
- Jason Lee - Actor
- Jason Libby - Game Designer, Dilly Green Bean Games
- Jason Liles - Actor
- Jason Marnocha - Actor
- Jason Marsden - Actor
- Jason Martin - Artist
- Jason Massey - Dungeon Master, Dungeons & Randomness
- Jason Meents - Comic Artist
- Jason Metcalf - Cover Artist
- Jason Mewes - Actor
- Jason Momoa - Actor
- Jason Narvy - Writer / Actor
- Jason Paige - Actor / Musician
- Jason Palmer - Artist
- Jason Patric - Actor
- Jason Priestley - Actor
- Jason Ragosta - Writer / Director
- Jason Robinson - Artist
- Jason Saldana - Actor
- Jason Spisak - Actor
- Jason Sylvestre - Comic Artist
- Jason Thompson - Writer / Editor
- Jason Trost - Filmmaker
- Jason Wishnov - Game Designer / Actor
- Jason Yarnell - Game Designer, D3 Adventures
- Jason "DarkMero" Bergren - Disc Jockey
- Jason "Liquid86" Bruner - Disc Jockey
- Jason & John Waltrip - Writing / Art Team
- Jason Charles Miller - Songwriter / Actor
- Jason David Frank - Actor
- Javan Jordan - Illustrator / Comic Artist
- Javi Fernandez - Comic Artist
- Javicia Leslie - Actor
- Javier Lopez - Translator
- Javier Saltares - Cover Artist / Penciller
- JaVon Stokes - Comic Creator
- Jaxon Lee - Voice Actor
- Jay Anacleto - Penciller
- Jay Bauman - Filmmaker, Red Letter Media
- Jay Bulckaert - Filmmaker / Comic Writer
- Jay David - Comic Creator
- Jay Fosgitt - Comic Artist
- Jay Gillespie - Comic Artist / Writer
- Jay Goede - Actor
- Jay Hickman - Voice Actor
- Jay Miao
- Jay Odjick - Comic Book Writer / Artist
- Jay Stephens - Animator / Comic Creator
- Jay Wade Edwards - Director / Editor / Producer
- Jayson Elliot - Podcast Host, Roll for Initiative
- Jayson Thiessen - Animator / Artist
- JB Blanc - Actor
- JD Spark - Aerial Artist
- JE Smith - Writer / Artist, Better Comics
- Jean-François Bibeau - Cosplayer
- Jeanette Moffat - Puppet Fabricator / Costume Designer
- Jeanne Beck - Japanese Instructor, University of Missouri
- Jeanne Cavelos - Author
- Jeannie Bolét - Actor
- Jeannie Lee - Digital Artist, Gaia Interactive
- Jeannie Tirado - Actor
- Jeannine Acheson - Comic Creator
- Jed MacKay - Comic Writer
- Jeff Anderson - Actor
- Jeff Balke - Animator
- Jeff Bennett - Voice Actor
- Jeff Bergman - Voice Actor
- Jeff Brennan - Comic Artist
- Jeff Breslauer - Actor
- Jeff Burgess - Musician
- Jeff Burns - Producer
- Jeff Burns - Voice Actor
- Jeff Cannata - Actor / Internet Host
- Jeff Day - Writer / Director
- Jeff Gaither - Illustrator
- Jeff Goldblum - Actor
- Jeff Johnson - Penciller
- Jeff Kline - Producer / Writer
- Jeff Lemire - Artist / Writer / TV Producer
- Jeff Lewis - Actor
- Jeff Lofvers - Web Comic Creator, Wrench Farm
- Jeff Martin - Comic Creator
- Jeff Maxwell - Actor
- Jeff Moy - Artist
- Jeff Nimoy - Director / Writer / Actor
- Jeff Parazzo - Actor
- Jeff Parker - Comic Writer
- Jeff Pelletier - Web Comic Creator, White Rose
- Jeff Pidgeon - Actor / Writer / Animator
- Jeff Rowland - Web Comic Creator, WIGU / OverCompensating
- Jeff Simpson - Artist / Illustrator, Ubisoft
- Jeff Spokes - Comic Artist
- Jeff Thompson - ADR Director / Producer, The Right Stuf International
- Jeff Ward - Actor
- Jefferson Davis - Author
- Jeffrey Combs - Actor
- Jeffrey Edwards - Comic Artist
- Jeffrey Weissman - Actor
- Jeffrey Dean Morgan - Actor
- Jei Fubler Harvey - Creator, Anime Web Turnpike
- Jekka Cormier - Web Comic Creator / Podcast Host, Seraphic / The Chibi Project
- Jema Duckie - Cosplayer
- Jemma Redgrave - Actor
- Jen Brown - Actor
- Jen Cho - Pianist
- Jen Cohn - Actor
- Jen Markham - Cosplayer
- Jen Soska - Director
- Jen Starling - Web Comic Artist, 2wcOnline
- Jen Taylor - Actor
- Jen Lee Quick - Artist, Estrigious Studios
- Jena Kitteninstrings - Cosplayer
- Jenette Goldstein - Actor
- Jenifer Ann - Cosplayer
- Jenika Ioffreda - Artist
- Jenn Jordan - Web Comic Writer, DC is Going to Hell
- Jenn St. Onge - Comic Artist
- Jenna Cha - Comic Artist
- Jenna Coleman - Actor
- Jenna Frank - Actor
- Jenna Powell - Comic Creator
- Jenna Winterberg - Senior Editor, Gothic & Lolita Bible
- Jenna Lynn Mowery - Cosplayer
- Jenni Gregory - Comic Creator
- Jennie Breeden - Web Comic Author, The Devil's Panties
- Jennie Kwan - Actor
- Jennifer Alyx - Actor
- Jennifer AuBuchon - Actor
- Jennifer Barclay - Cosplayer / Artist
- Jennifer Blanc-Biehn - Actor
- Jennifer Brazas - Web Comic Creator, Mystic Revolution
- Jennifer Carpenter - Actor
- Jennifer Cihi - Singer / Actor
- Jennifer English - Actor
- Jennifer Gould - Actor
- Jennifer Hale - Actor / Singer
- Jennifer Moore - Writer
- Jennifer Morrison - Actor
- Jennifer Pelland - Author
- Jennifer Silverman - Actor
- Jennifer Taylor - Cosplayer
- Jennifer Van Damsel - Cosplayer
- Jenny Elaine - Cosplayer
- Jenny Newman - Cosplayer
- Jenny Pennington - Cosplayer
- Jenny Romanchuck - Web Comic Creator, The Zombie Hunters
- Jenny Yokobori - Actor
- Jenny Zha - Producer / CEO, Infinitize
- Jeong Mo Yang - Manga Artist
- Jeph Jacques - Web Comic Artist
- Jeph Loeb - Writer / Producer
- Jer Alford - Editor in Chief, Mini-Komix
- Jeremie DeWitt - Web Comic Creator, Sterile Art
- Jeremy Adams - Comic Writer
- Jeremy Bulloch - Actor
- Jeremy Clark - Inker
- Jeremy Colwell - Comic Artist
- Jeremy Davies - Actor
- Jeremy Freeman - Comic Artist
- Jeremy Inman - Voice Actor
- Jeremy Mauney - Writer / Illustrator
- Jeremy Renner - Actor
- Jeremy Robinson - Assistant Professor of Japanese, Grand Valley State University
- Jeremy Ross - Director of New Product Development, Tokyopop
- Jeremy Shada - Actor
- Jeremy Simser - Storyboard Artist
- Jeri Lee - Model / Dancer
- Jeri Ryan - Actor
- Jerome Alquie - Manga Artist
- Jerome Mezzandrande - Marketing Director, Manga Entertainment UK
- Jerrad Vunovich - Actor
- Jerry Beck - Animation Historian
- Jerry Bennett - Artist
- Jerry Chu - Former Producer / Marketing Manager, Bandai Entertainment
- Jerry Ferrara - Actor
- Jerry Holkins - Web Comic Writer, Penny Arcade
- Jerry Jewell - Actor
- Jerry Koudelik - Secret of Mana Theater
- Jerry Pakalinsky - Actor
- Jerry Stephens - Web Comic Creator, Way of the Geek
- Jerry "the King" Lawler - Wrestler
- Jes Macallan - Actor
- Jes Weigand - Public Relations Manager, Mac Hall
- Jesús Barrero - Voice Actor
- Jess Bush - Actor
- Jess Harnell - Voice Actor
- Jess Hartley - Novelist / Writer / Developer
- Jesse Lagers - Cosplayer, Midnight Armor
- Jesse Nowack - Actor
- Jesse Sosa - 3D Character Artist
- Jesse James Felice - Disc Jockey
- Jesse Michael Owen - Comic Artist / Illustrator
- Jessi Bavolack - Web Comic Artist, Geeks Next Door
- Jessi Pascal - Web Comic Creator, Geeks Next Door
List continued...
- Jessica Boone - Actor
- Jessica Bright - Comedian
- Jessica Calvello - Actor
- Jessica Cavanagh - Actor
- Jessica Darrow - Voice Actor
- Jessica DiCicco - Actor
- Jessica DiGiovanni - Actor
- Jessica Douglas - Artist
- Jessica Fong - Illustrator
- Jessica Franklin - Web Comic Artist, Kyoki: From Us to You
- Jessica Gaona - Artist / Actor
- Jessica Gee-George - Actor
- Jessica Henwick - Actor
- Jessica McLaughlin - Fanfic Author
- Jessica Merizan - Cosplayer
- Jessica Nigri - Cosplayer
- Jessica Nova - Cosplayer, Studio Psycho
- Jessica Peffer - Artist
- Jessica Rey - Actor
- Jessica Straus - Actor
- Jessica Tran - Correspondent, JrockRevolution.com
- Jessica von Braun - Artist
- Jessica Walsh - Cosplayer / Fanfic Writer
- Jessie Pridemore - Actor / Cosplayer
- Jessie Usher - Actor
- Jessie James Grelle - Actor
- Jewel Shepard - Actor / Writer
- Jewel Staite - Actor
- Jey Legarie - Publisher, Gifted Vision
- Jez Roth - Cosplayer / Designer
- Jhonen Vasquez - Writer / Artist
- Jill Frappier - Actor
- Jill Harris - Actor
- Jill Thompson - Illustrator
- Jillian Coglan - Martial Arts Expert
- Jillian Michaels - Actor
- Jim Beaver - Actor
- Jim Butcher - Author
- Jim Byrnes - Actor / Musician
- Jim Calafiore - Comic Artist
- Jim Cambias - Writer / Game Designer
- Jim Cheung - Comic Book Artist
- Jim Cummings - Voice Actor
- Jim Felker - Writer / Artist
- Jim Foronda - Voice Actor
- Jim Krueger - Comic Writer
- Jim Lee - Comic Artist / Writer / Editor / Publisher
- Jim Mahfood - Comic Artist
- Jim O'Rear - Actor / Stuntman
- Jim Santangeli - Actor
- Jim Shooter - Comic Writer / Editor
- Jim Starlin - Writer / Artist
- Jim Steranko - Comic Artist
- Jim Taylor - Comic Artist
- Jim Valentino - Comic Inker
- Jim "Gozer" Yee - Web Comic Writer, Consumed
- Jim "Zub" Zubkavich - Illustrator
- Jimmy Palmiotti - Comic Writer
- Jimmy Taylor - Actor
- Jimmy Zoppi - Actor
- Jin Kobayashi - Artist
- Jinnie McManus - Agent, Point of Contact Booking
- Jinsei Kataoka - Writer / Artist
- Jirard Khalil - Gamer
- Jiro Ishii - Video Game Director
- JL Brown - Artist / Writer, 2wcOnline
- JL Major - Director / Writer / Producer
- Jo Chen - Artist
- Jo Duffy - Writer
- Jo Envel - Cosplayer
- Jo Walton - Author
- Joan Vinge - Author
- Joanie Brosas - Cosplayer
- Joanna Estep - Artist
- Joanna Shirley - Agent, Level Up Entertainment
- Joanne Izbicki - Professor of East Asian History, Ithaca College
- Joany Dubé-Leblanc - Artist, Québec Manga
- Jocelyne Loewen - Actor
- Jochen Weltjens - Coloring, Guru eFX
- Jodi Benson - Actor / Voice Actor
- Jodie Whittaker - Actor
- Jodie Rae Charity - Illustrator / Animator
- Jodon Bellofatto - Manager / Writer, theruse.net
- Jody Houser - Comic Writer
- Jody Lynn Nye - Author
- Joe Corroney - Illustrator
- Joe Digiorgi - Owner, Headline Sound
- Joe Doyle - Cover Artist
- Joe Eisma - Comic Artist
- Joe Flanigan - Actor
- Joe Foering - Fan Film Creator, NoN.D.E Fanfilms
- Joe Goffeney - Voice Actor
- Joe Grisaffi - Actor / Writer / Director, Starship Films
- Joe Hernandez - Workshop Supervisor, Penny Dreadful Productions
- Joe Inoue - Musician
- Joe Jusko - Comic Artist
- Joe Keery - Actor
- Joe Kovell - Writer, No Need for Bushido
- Joe Miles - Comic Creator, Prototype Comics
- Joe Ng - Artist, Udon Entertainment
- Joe Ochman - Actor
- Joe Quesada - Editor-in-Chief, Marvel Comics
- Joe Quinones - Comic Artist
- Joe Ripple - Director / Actor / Writer
- Joe Romersa - Musician
- Joe Rosales - Comic Artist, Radio Comix
- Joe Rubinstein - Comic Artist
- Joe Silver - Web Comic Inker, Chisuji
- Joe St. Pierre - Comic Artist
- Joe Steiff - Author
- Joe Vriens - Comic Book Artist
- Joe Weems - Illustrator
- Joe Wight - Artist, Antarctic Press
- Joe Wos - Cartoonist
- Joe Zieja - Actor
- Joe Osei Bonsu - Artist, Heroes of the World
- Joel Bergen - Writer
- Joel Heyman - Voice Actor
- Joel Hodgson - Comedian / Actor
- Joel McDonald - ADR Director / Actor
- Joel Morales - Cosplayer
- Joel Perez - Actor
- Joel Watson - Web Comic Creator, Hijinks Ensue
- Joel D. Wynkoop - Actor
- JoEllen Elam - Cosplayer
- Joey Fatone - Actor / Singer
- Joey Snackpants - Event Personality, Green Mustard Entertainment
- Joey "Roo" Desena - Producer
- Joey Lauren Adams - Actor / Director
- Johan "Shookie" Eira - Cosplayer
- Johji Manabe - Artist / Writer
- John Allison - Web Comic Artist
- John Andersen - Club Organizer, M.A.N.G.A.
- John Anderson - Actor / Comedian
- John Barrett - Artist
- John Barrowman - Actor
- John Beatty - Comic Artist
- John Bentley - Actor
- John Billingsley - Actor
- John Bivens - Artist / Writer
- John Burgmeier - Voice Actor
- John Burkett - Comic Artist
- John Cassaday - Comic Artist
- John Cena - Actor
- John Chambers - Game Designer, White Wolf Game Studio
- John Cleese - Actor
- John Cusack - Actor / Director
- John de Lancie - Actor
- John Delaney - Animator / Director / Comic Artist
- John DeMita - Actor
- John DiMaggio - Voice Actor
- John Eaves - Star Trek Concept Artist
- John Fleming - Writer
- John Gallagher - Artist / Illustrator
- John Giang - Comic Artist
- John Glover - Actor
- John Gremillion - Voice Actor
- John Hebert - Penciller / Inker
- John Holland - Comic Creator
- John Hurt - Actor
- John Johnstone V - Writer / Director
- John Joseco - Web Comic Artist, The Lounge
- John Keogth - Web Comic Creator, Lucid TV
- John Kovalic - Comic Artist
- John LaCure - Associate Professor, University of Tennessee
- John Ledford - President, A.D. Vision, Inc.
- John Leeson - Actor
- John Lotshaw - Author, Accidental Centaurs
- John Lucas - Inker / Penciller
- John Martin - Toy Collector
- John Matson - Artist
- John McGrath - Actor
- John Mesplay - Visual Effects Artist
- John Morris - Actor
- John Mortarotti - Music Editor
- John Morton - Actor
- John O'Donnell - Managing Director, Central Park Media
- John Oppliger - Anime Guru, AnimeNation
- John Ott - Artist, Studio Go
- John Philbin - Actor / Surfer
- John Ratzenberger - Actor
- John Read - Artist
- John Rhys-Davies - Actor
- John Romero - Game Designer
- John Romita, Jr. - Comic Artist
- John Scalzi - Author
- John Schneider - Actor
- John Sirabella - President, Media Blasters
- John Skipp - Author
- John Stamos - Actor
- John Staton - Artist
- John Stocker - Actor / Director
- John Swasey - Voice Actor
- John Ward - Comic Creator
- John "Kettlebriar's Workshop" Stout - Cosplayer
- John D. Carmack - Founder, id Software
- John Jackson Miller - Writer
- John Patrick Lowrie - Actor / Author
- John Paul Tremblay - Actor
- John Wesley Shipp - Actor
- Johnmichael "Melifiry" Carrabotta - Musician / Actor
- Johnny Desjardins - Comic Artist
- Johnny Pham - Model Creator
- Johnny Young - Actor
- Johnny N' Junkers - Cosplayer
- Johnny Yong Bosch - Actor
- Joji Wada - Founder / President, WIT Studio
- JoJo PandaFace - Cosplayer
- Jolene Houser - Comic Artist
- Jon Allen - Actor / Comedian
- Jon Bailey - Voice Actor
- Jon Bernthal - Actor
- Jon Buran - Comic Artist
- Jon Guttierez - Wizard Entertainment
- Jon Klement - Artist
- Jon Kneeland - Artist, Ninja Studios
- Jon Knight - Comic Creator, Prototype Comics
- Jon Lovitz - Actor / Comedian
- Jon Miller - Fan Parody Creator, NoN.D.E. Fan Films
- Jon St. John - Voice Actor
- Jonah Ray - Actor / Comedian
- Jonah Scott - Voice Actor
- Jonathan Berg - Comic Artist
- Jonathan Brands - Brand Manager, FUNimation Entertainment
- Jonathan Case - Comic Artist / Writer
- Jonathan Clements - Author and Scriptwriter
- Jonathan Cook - Disc Jockey, WAWL
- Jonathan Coulton - Singer / Songwriter
- Jonathan Doughty - Singer / Actor
- Jonathan Frakes - Actor
- Jonathan Glapion - Inker
- Jonathan Hardy - Actor
- Jonathan Hedrick - Comic Writer
- Jonathan Joss - Actor
- Jonathan Klein - Vice President, New Generation Pictures
- Jonathan Lavallee - Game Creator, Firestorm Ink
- Jonathan Love - Voice Actor
- Jonathan Maberry - Author
- Jonathan Mathers - Creator of Foamy the Squirrel, Ill Will Press
- Jonathan Meza - Host, AnimeTV
- Jonathan Osborne - Actor
- Jonathan Potts - Actor
- Jonathan Sims - Writer / Performer / Game Designer
- Jonathan Strickland - Podcast Host, Discovery
- Jonathan Tarbox - CEO, Arashi Productions
- Jonathan Thompson - Author / Game Creator, Battlefield Press, Inc.
- Jonathan Wheeler - Gamer, The Runaway Guys
- Jonathan Young - Singer / Songwriter
- Jonathan Todd Ross - Voice Actor
- Jonboy Meyers - Comic Artist
- Jonny Cruz - Actor
- Jonny Fairplay - Actor / Survivor
- Jonny "Jace" Davidson - Cosplayer
- Joonas Suotamo - Actor
- Jordan Elsass - Actor
- Jordan Gibson - Comic Artist
- Jordan Blaza Olsen - Cosplayer
- Jordan Dash Cruz - Actor / Director
- Jordana Robinson - Fashion Designer
- Jorge Corona - Comic Artist
- Josè Henrique Pereira
- Jose Estrada - Content Creator
- Jose Marzan Jr. - Comic Creator
- Jose Varese - Artist
- Joseph Bowersox - Site Admin / Game Server Admin
- Joseph Brudlos - Web Comic Artist, Alpha Shade
- Joseph Callaway - Sculptor
- Joseph Dragunas - Illustrator
- Joseph Dunn - Web Comic Creator, Joe Loves Crappy Movies
- Joseph Fanning - Web Comic Writer, MSF High
- Joseph Malozzi - Writer / Producer
- Joseph Motiki - Actor
- Joseph Onyskow - Writer / Manager, Dragon Spirit Studios
- Joseph Pilato - Actor
- Joseph Quinn - Actor
- Josey McCoy - Actor
- Josh Blaylock - Comic Artist
- Josh Dela Cruz - Actor
- Josh Elder - Manga Artist
- Josh Goring - Actor / Agent
- Josh Hammock - Web Comic Creator, Wake Walking
- Josh Keaton - Actor
- Josh Martin - Voice Actor
- Josh McDermitt - Actor
- Josh Patterson - Cosplayer
- Josh Petersdorf - Voice Actor
- Josh Sparks - Wildlife Expert, Sparks' Ark
- Joshua Adams - Founder, Cosplayer Nation
- Joshua Cassara - Comic Artist
- Joshua Cullen - Cosplayer
- Joshua Hart - Costume Designer, J.Hart Design
- Joshua Lesnick
- Joshua Long - Producer, 20th Century Fox
- Joshua Ortega - Author
- Joshua Seth - Voice Actor
- Joshua Williamson - Comic Creator
- Joshua "Sway" Swaby - Comic Artist
- Jouji Nakata - Voice Actor
- Joy Fenton - Doll Collector
- Joy Jacobson - Actor
- Joyce Chin - Comic Artist
- JP Roth - Author
- JP Yates - Educator
- Judd Nelson - Actor
- Judd Winick - Author / Writer
- Jude Law - Actor
- Judith Hoag - Actor
- Jules Conroy - Guitarist
- Juli Erickson - Actor
- Julia Lichty - Artist, Afterimages of Ghostfire
- Julia Litchy - Artist
- Julian Glover - Actor
- Julian Reid - Stunt Coordinator / Author
- Julian David Stone - Author
- Julian Totino Tedesco - Comic Artist
- Julianna "Marquise Cubey" Franchini - Cosplayer
- Julie Davis - Editor, Animerica
- Julie Dolan - Actor
- Julie Falatko - Author
- Julie Jensen - Actor
- Julie Kagawa - Author
- Julie Le Shane - Makeup Artist
- Julie Lemieux - Actor
- Julie Maddalena - Actor
- Julie Shields - Actor
- Julie Wright - Artist, Studio Akumakaze
- Julie Caitlin Brown - Actor
- Julie E. Czerneda - Author / Editor
- Julie Rei Goldstein - Actor
- Julien Mathern - Webmaster / Convention Staff, Operation Manga / Cape & Kimono
- Juliet Cesario - Actor
- Juliet Simmons - Actor
- Julietta Suzuki - Manga Artist
- Juliette Lewis - Actor
- Julius Cho - Actor
- Jun Shishido - Director
- Junco Ito - Producer
- June Foray - Actor
- June Lockhart - Actor
- June Lundgren - Author
- Junhong Kim - Director, Zanybros
- Junichi Hayama - Animator / Director
- Junichi Sato - Director
- Junichi Suwabe - Voice Actor
- Junichi Taniguchi - Art Director / Background Artist
- Junji Ito - Manga Creator
- Junji Nishimura - Director
- Junko Fujiyama - Musician
- Junko Iwao - Actor
- Junko Mizuno - Artist
- Junko Takeuchi - Actor
- Junko Yamanaka - Animator / Character Designer
- Juno Blair - Writer / Illustrator, Star Cross'd Destiny
- Juno Blair B. - Web Comic Artist, Star Cross'd Destiny
- Junpei Tatenaka - Animator
- Junya Enoki - Actor
- Junya Ishigaki - Designer / Artist
- Juri Hayasaka - Artist
- Jushin Liger - Wrestler
- Justice Slocum - Actor
- Justin Achilli - Writer / Editor, White Wolf Games
- Justin Briner - Actor
- Justin Cook - ADR Director / Actor
- Justin Gary - Game Designer
- Justin Greenwood - Comic Artist
- Justin Nimmo - Actor
- Justin Rojas - Sr. Manager of Social Strategy & Dev., Funimation Entertainment
- Justin Sevakis - Director of New Media, Anime News Network
- Justin "JewWario" Carmichael - Producer, That Guy With The Glasses
- Justin Robert Young - Podcaster / Comedian
- Justine Huxley - Actor